A promise to “player 1”

I saw a video about whether we are living in a simulation. The three given reasons are overwhelming, yet fictional. Since analyzing theories, even the most inconceivable ones,  are some kind of amusement for me, I’ve decided to write a message to my player or whoever is playing me.

Dear “player 1”

I assume that you are smart enough to have the primary game-pad so I’m calling you “player 1”. Anyhow, you really suck at gaming dude! What the hell is wrong with you? Can’t you just scam another player and get instantly affluent? Dude, I’m not a criminal and you know it but evidently, there is no game-master down here to ban you for fraud. And guess what? others are easily doing it already. So stop being too naive and noob and get your shits together. I don’t want to be mean but If there is any pay-to-win plan, please pay for few peaks which I really need them in a couple of years ahead. I promise you will have an unbelievable experience, a totally unexpected turn of events in the near future. Trust me, nothing will be the same if you deliver a bit of help. You have my word.

I also would like to appreciate what you have been doing in my love life you magnificent beast. Keep it up, you are doing surprisingly good despite the terms of success.

I don’t know if writing this letter was part of the simulation but If you read this feel free to leave comments for me. I would be fun to stay in touch one way or another.


The Comedisian from the game

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